Saturday, March 26, 2011


Being the little brother means lots of hand-me-downs coming your way. You already have so many cute clothes, shoes, bedding, toys, blankets, and lots of things you will need and use, but it all has previous experience! I promise it's still all in really good shape though. So, last weekend, you received another hand-me-down and your big brother got something new. He got a new peapod and you get the old one. Sorry, but his is bigger (and cooler!).

The Kidco Peapod is the coolest travel bed on the market (in my opinion)! When G was 5 months old we were looking for a compact travel bed that would be easy to fly with and ran across this. We have been using it ever since and love it. It folds up really small, fits nicely into a suitcase, is much more comfortable than a pack n' play (because it has an air mattress in it) and is very portable. We take it everywhere we go. So, we thought Neylan needed one too. Especially since Grayson will be traveling with us to Korea. In Korea the families typically sleep together in one room on a thin mat on the floor (that does not sound like a good night's rest to me). We know that sleep is often a difficult transition for many kiddos coming from other countries. So, we are hoping that by having him try to sleep in his peapod with big brother in his own peapod next to him and having Mom and Dad in the same room while in Korea, that this will help. We'll keep our fingers crossed and see!! Hope he likes it. It's likely both boys will be using it every time we travel.

I found this Peapod Plus on craigs list last week and emailed about it immediately when I saw that is was $20 less than the original price. The family said they tried to put their daughter in it and she screamed the whole time so they decided not to try it again and sell it. The OT in me says that's craziness, but the bargain hunter mom in me says awesome!!

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