Sunday, April 17, 2011

Another great consignment find!

My mom and I have been shopping around all weekend for stuff for Neylan's room and as we were walking out the door of a consignment store, this caught my eye. I have never seen one of these before, but I think it might just be a lifesaver on our 15 hour flight to Korea. I know it won't provide that many hours (or minutes) of fun, but if it buys us some quiet, non-fussy time on the flight, it was worth every bit of the $6.50 I paid for it.  

And the OT in me just loves all the fine motor activities. I think it will be great for both boys as some of the activities are easier and some are more challenging.

1 comment:

  1. Just saw your blog on the Holt site, so fun to be journeying with you! I am a little jealous of your thrift find too - I could use one of these four our flight!
