Thursday, April 21, 2011

A HUGE Step Closer!

We just found out that Neylan's EP (emigration permit) was submitted for on April 6th!!! This is amazing news. It's not a passport, but a permit to let him out of the country. It's just a one time deal. Once he is here we will have to get him an official passport. The good news is that it was submitted for over 2 weeks ago!! And without us knowing, it's less time we have to wait for it to be approved. The last batch was approved in 3 weeks. The previous two batches took 5 weeks. So we should be approved in the next 3 weeks for sure. The bad news is that now we just sit and wait some more. Well, there will not be much time for sitting. There's too much to get done.

And the AWESOME news?!! It looks like I will get to see my baby by his first birthday. Likely we will be there on his birthday. How cool is that!!


  1. Congrats! So happy for you!!!

  2. Oh my gosh, this is so exciting! Congrats!

  3. Hey Becca, I just stumbled across your blog (I think through the Holt forum) and I'm so excited for y'all! I just talked to our agency today and we're waiting for our daughter's EP to be submitted. Waiting is really getting hard!
