Wednesday, June 15, 2011

One Quick Stop

One of my biggest concerns about only having Neylan with us for less than 24 hrs before leaving Seoul was missing the opportunity to see some of the city with him and get some good pictures of both boys together in this wonderful city. In the end we took it easy, because we needed to for Neylan's sake and because we had a lot of stuff to get packed. We did make it to one place. It was probably a good thing I forgot the lock and key when we went to Seoul tower a few days ago. It gave us an excuse to go back and get some really cute pictures.

Neylan ended up in our bed last night and then woke up at 6:20. We had breakfast, got ready, did a little bit of packing, and headed out to the tower. Just a few minutes into our walk to the bus stop, both boys had fallen asleep. That made me a little nervous. The whole point of this trip was pictures! Of the boys-AWAKE!

This place is all about love. They even have benches that slant towards the middle so you can be closer when you sit together!

How cute are they?!

It was a fun little outing and they are just adorable. We have loved seoul and know we will be back as a family for more pictures together one day.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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